This is so beautiful naomi. Thank you for being so open and honest and frank. I can feel within your writing that you're very much in the thick of it.

I want to write a deeper reply to you but I am just about to go to yin yoga class.

Before I do I say this,

We are wounded in community and we must heal in community

That's a quote that sticks with me.

My friend and grief therapist donna lancaster is incredible and if you would like to explore her more she has just written a book called the bridge.


And this is her site, she does courses too! To help with all aspects of grief that we experience in life.


Honestly my gut says that this may really resonate and I hope help be a little guide go deepen you into your life and feel part of the world in a more positive lighter way. I'm actually going to interview her for ny podcast being human soon!

Sending love from elephant and castle in South London ❤

Nadia x

P.s qi gong and tapping and shaking the body also does wonders im unblocking us, bring the energy down from the head and through the body.

Love you

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thanks so much for the support Nadia, sending you love <3

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Sorry for my grammar and spelling im waiting outside this class and my hands are cold haha. London eh

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This resonated so strongly - wow. Hearing your trust and challenge in this move makes me feel so much less lonely in my own experience. I recently moved to Berlin from North Carolina/Chicago and have these intense moments of feeling inadequate (WTF did I do lol) and then also trusting I'm doing what my spirit is being called to - even though it truly doesn't feel like an immediate 'fit'. Damaging and uncomfortable truly aren't the same thing. Needed to hear this today more than ever.

Much love <3

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Justus, thank you so much. For your support and for sharing your story. Wishing you all the love and strength for this journey! You are brave and wonderful! x

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So very beautiful, poignant & timely for me too. Thank you for sharing x

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This really spoke to me. Leaving London after 12 years to a small town. I don’t feel I’ve found my space yet and then look outwardly at why it might not be working. Looking at my relationship or other areas I can find fault in. Really I know there’s a ton of internal work to be done, that I’m probably afraid to peel back and examine. I don’t think it would matter where I was, it’s bringing myself and all the baggage with it. Thanks for your post, it’s a reminder that maybe I need to get uncomfortable to be comfortable again.

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Carrie, its so hard, but you're not alone. Sending you love -

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Hi Naomi! Wow! As someone who also left London albeit 6 years ago, I’ve struggled to find the words to express my feelings. Now in a relationship here in my “ new” city I am surprised by how frequently the old ghosts haunt me and how in conflict I too plan my “escape”, thanks for finding the words for these feelings, this was wonderful to read.

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so beautiful and something I needed to hear for strength, thank you. -Kathy

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Thank you, naomi, for this tender, true story. I have been going through similar anxieties, terrors, and doubts amidst getting engaged, moving cities, and changing jobs. I highly recommend Sheryl Paul's work on transitions, love, and anxiety at conscious-transitions.com. it's given me a container for transforming 🫙 🦋

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Rachel, thank you so much! I wish you all the best on this adventure. Sending you lots of love and just ordered Sheryl's book! thank you x

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I cherish your words-- thank you for sharing your heart and soul and mind. We are better for your words

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Thank you for sharing such incredibly difficult and uncomfortable feelings with the world! that must have been difficult. It's great that you're able to pick apart these threads, even if they're still messy - and so glad your partner is being so welcoming of all that makes you, you.

Sending you blessings and love for this transition xx

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Cried reading this, thank you. I also moved to Milan (from Los Angeles) almost a year ago now. Have found it to be a very unforgiving city to move to — insecurities are very much magnified (probably due to the lack of diversity or elitist tone you mentioned). Its been a slow process for me but finally finding the beauty and joy in Milan's nuances and starting to learn that everything that makes it such a difficult city to move to is also what makes it a perfect home for metamorphosis <3 (Funny enough I actually moved into an apartment that has an Enzo Mari 'apple' framed on the wall, think its a sign hehe)

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Priscilla, I'm so happy you came across this piece and I'm so looking forward to getting to meet you, love. x

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This is vibrantly resonant for me. Thank you for taking the time to write and speak and indeed think these words. I turn them over for myself and my own authenticity.

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That makes me so happy. My hope for you (and for me!) Is that the agony of sitting in uncertainty/anxiety gradually turns into trust, ease, and growing into our wiser, fuller future selves.

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Feeling deeply moved and seen by your beautiful words of honesty. Thank you so much for sharing. <3

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You have captured so much of what and how I feel since moving from the West Coast to the East Coast 4 months ago. I, too, am finding that before I can move forward I need to acknowledge and grieve my losses. Getting uncomfortable is the only way to learn new things about myself. Thank you for putting into beautiful words what change means. It's difficult but worth the effort to become the person you know you can be.

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thank you so much for sharing Wendy, I'm so honoured that this piece could be a reminder for that. sending love for the journey x

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I am coming out of three years of pain that I could never identify. I was accused of shooting a man through a wall, and I did not do it. It was insidious and stupid. But I was so lost when it happened I have had to come to many stages (as in 3D chess) of personal inventory and just dropping some things that I just don’t need anymore. I am 59 years old and caring for and being cared for by my parents, in their mid-eighties. This is my mental bloom for you, in that it is killing the old me to make it through the last “Taliban” hoop. To see my on the outside, you would never really know the spiritual war I have had to fight. To rediscover my body and realize I need knee replacement. I have a meningioma. I have been misdiagnosed many times, but it is no shame on my doctors. I am a gentle freak. This was the most beautiful thing I read in a month. Thank you.

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